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15-43 149th Street
Whitestone, NY 11357


The First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone has been at work in northeast Queens since 1871, seeking to proclaim God’s Word and live out God’s justice and peace in our lives and our community. We welcome all to join us for worship, fellowship, learning, and service in our small but vibrant community of faith.


Capital Campaign

Support our campaign to improve accessibility, expand our capacity for education, and deepen our life of fellowship!

Give now!

As part of our continuing work to embody the mission of God in Whitestone and beyond, the First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone is embarking on a $150,000 capital campaign to support the ministry of the congregation in 2016 and beyond. This project will encompass three substantial goals: 

  1. Accessibility of worship and fellowship areas to those with mobility impairments. We will install a lift to allow persons unable to climb stairs to enter the main level of the church building through the auditorium. Along with this, we will construct an accessible restroom in the area on the main floor currently occupied by the stage.
  2. New facilities for education. To support our ministry of education with all ages, we will construct a small classroom for up to 10-12 children or 6-8 adults in another portion of the current stage area. This classroom will include technology for audio and video presentations and new furniture to fit the needs of Christian education in 2016 and beyond.
  3. Expanded capacity for fellowship. Substantial renovations to the existing auditorium space will make it a more functional meeting room for groups of 20-80 people. Fresh paint and a refinished floor will make the space more welcoming to church members, visitors, and user groups. A small kitchen will allow for easy coffee service during regular and special events and simplified setup and cleanup of communion. The addition of air conditioning throughout the renovated spaces will allow for greater comfort in warm months.

With these newly-renovated spaces for education and fellowship and additional accessibility, we hope to extend the welcome that has marked the First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone throughout its 145-year history both to the generations who have supported us for decades and to those who will guide us into the years to come.


Pledges for this capital campaign are being accepted through May 2016, and we hope that they will be substantially paid by the end of 2017. The current schedule is for construction to begin in late spring 2016 and be completed sometime in summer 2016.


We estimate that the full project, including air conditioning and new furnishings for the various spaces, will cost $150,000—a substantial investment in the mission of the church. Please join us in supporting the mission of God at the First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone by making a contribution to this capital campaign!