Mission and Vision
The First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone was founded in 1871 and has been active in ministry to the Whitestone community and beyond since then.
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) under the Presbytery of New York City and the Synod of the Northeast.
All are welcome to join us in the fullness of life in this community as we seek to live faithfully and join in the work of new creation God is doing in our world. We particularly invite you to participate in the varied activities of this community of faith.
As Presbyterians, we join with all those who trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to proclaim the reign of God to the world. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. With the broader church, we affirm the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds as summaries of our faith and belief. Our distinctiveness from other Christians is rooted in the Reformed tradition and the theology of John Calvin and becomes evident in our church government, where the congregation elects elders to govern the life of the church. Learn more about the Presbyterian Church (USA)…
Vision Statement
People are longing for a place to call home—
a place where they are not alone,
a place where they can be the people God has created them to be,
a place where they and those they love can feel the power of God's grace,
a place where they can worship God, grow in faith, and join in God's work in the world.
The kingdom of God is what we long for, but the fullness of its reality remains distant.
As we wait, watch, prepare, and work for the full unveiling of God's kingdom,
we come together as a part of the body of Christ, the First Presbyterian Church of Whitestone, to be a provisional demonstration of God's promises in the world,
loving God, one another, and our neighbors,
sharing a place of comfort, joy, and peace in the midst of a broken and fearful world,
opening our eyes to places of despair and hope,
calling for the fullness of God’s justice and reconciliation among all people,
and bearing witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ours is not only a Sunday task but an everyday task,
and our life together in the church equips, supports, empowers, and sustains the practices of faith in our daily lives in the world
even as we live out those practices in our life together.